Education 4.0 Project
Договор № 2018-1-BG01-KA202-048004
Education 4.0 is funded by the Erasmus Plus Program, contract 2018-1-BG01-KA202-048004. Design with interest for 26 months, from 01-10-2018 to 30/11/2020 and implemented in partnership with SMC Industrial Automation Bulgaria EOOD, Technical School, Croatia, Perfect Project, Poland and SMC INDUSTRIAL AUTOMATICS Ltd., Slovenia.
A direct target group of the project is the GHG professors with a professional field of Engineering. The construction of e-learning content with augmented reality and 3D visualization envisaged in the project will support their work and facilitate the practical understanding and perception of the lessons by the learners, as it will enable virtual simulation of different processes as a result of production commands and actions, showing the corresponding results of those actions. The analysis of these results will help to make optimal decisions for the reaction in the different real production situations in the future professional life of the trainees.
In addition to the creation of three intellectual products, the project envisages study visits for teachers in this professional field in Poland, an assessment of the applicability of intellectual products and the organization of events and activities to disseminate results.
The Education 4.0 project is in line with the strategy for implementing ICT in the education and modernization of VET of the participating countries. Participating countries share common problems regarding deficits in the teaching of specialized subjects in the GHG field of “engineering”, as well as the lack of preparedness of graduates to meet the requirements of the labor market. Through the project, the experience of the different partners will be combined to create an overall common product that will be tailored to the individual characteristics of the participating country and to the specific needs of companies in the region.
Erasmus + Program, Strategic Innovation Partnerships
The project aims to achieve equality between theoretical and practical training with priority to training and production practice and to ensure effective vocational training by comprehensively simulating a production process for learning purposes.
The project team will create three training modules based on 3D augmented reality modeling for 76 curriculum units in the following professions: Mechanical Technician, Mechanical Operator, Mechanical Installer, Fitter, Welder, Turner, Electrician, Automation and Automation Technician Layer.
The design of e-learning content with augmented reality and 3D visualizations will assist the trainers in their work and will facilitate the practical understanding and perception of the lessons as it will allow virtual simulation of different processes. The analysis of these results will lead to optimal decision making for reactions to different real production situations in the future professional life of the trainees.